Well 2 weeks in Cuba is really just a taster - but for for first time - it will do for now! The thing you come away with is just how good the people are! You can be in the most dodgy run-down and scary place, but you can be pretty sure that nothing will happen to you - well it's the law there but still!
The whole country is like a living working museum, you see things there you will not really be likely to see anywhere else in the world, in fact many parts there - the industrial revolution is something that is simply known about and nothing more!
Havana is pretty full on and intense, while the pollution from all the old vehicles is really bad, the old buildings in all sorts of states of dis/repair are quite a sight! By night with poor lighting and no idea of how or what is around - can be pretty dis-orientating! Once you find your feet you soon get more comfortable there and can start to enjoy it. You will never be far from a more than willing taxi driver or bici-taxi to take you anywhere ;-)
Trinidad in the south was reminiscent of Granada Spain set in a tropical coastline scene. Will blog this more if I can!
More photos soon - when I get a chance!!